Monday, July 11, 2011

Driving and Playing Fetch

Uncle Lavelle is very brave!! He has been allowing Emaline to chauffeur him around the field behind Grandaddy's house!! I guess learning early is good, right!!

Midnight has become quite an interesting little fella!! His new favorite game is fetch!! He started bringing a little toy puff ball to me while we were at Daddy's. Now it has grown into full games of fetch!! We throw a little puff ball, and he will dart after it and bring it back. It is the funniest when he play-growls and tries to keep you from taking it. We have never had a cat who fetches before. The more puff balls he has, the better. He will horde them and meow at you!! We have always felt blessed to have such a great kitty like Linus!! Now we have two!! When Midnight is not crazy and playful, he is quite a loving little guy!! Emaline picked a great one!!:)

1 comment:

StitchenTigger said...

Yes, Uncle Lavelle is a very brave man!

The photos of Midnight and his "puff ball collection" is just too cute. Love the look on his face -- mine, mine, I'm a greedy little miser and those are all MINE! ROFLOL

Grandma Karen